A bean bag chair filler is just as important as a bean bag chair's appearance. The materials that you choose as fillers for you bean bag chair determine its length of service and overall quality.
The most common kind filler are tiny plastic beads. These tiny beads shift around inside the bean bag as the person sits on it, resulting in a uniquely comfortable position.
Bean Bag Beans
To support the government of its intent to go green, manufacturers recycle and reuse fillers such as beads to prevent the plastic from finding its way into a landfill. However, those that come with plastic beads fillers gradually end up going flat due to the normal wear and tear which will then prompt you to restock some beads into the bag.
A different kind of filler that's more commonly used for other types of furniture is foam. Whether you choose to have a memory foam for your chair or simply use chopped-up bits of foam for filler, foam is a denser, bouncier filler that helps keep the seat's shape for much longer than when you use plastic beads.
Foam doesn't move much with the occupant though, giving you a less comfortable feel especially when seated for long periods of time.
A similar material found in some homemade bean bag chairs is Styrofoam packing peanuts. While comfortable, they do squeak and create an awful lot of noise. They can be pressed flat over time as well.
You can also make your own portable furniture by using chair fillers that you can find at home. There's a variety of options available for you to pick one that best suits you.
For example, you can use down feathers, uncooked rice, popcorn seeds, corn seeds, or dried peas. You can even reuse old foam found in seat cushions or mattresses. Some people have tried including potpourri inside the seat to emit a nice scent.
Keep in mind though that if you plan on using perishable items, you need to make sure that you store this handy furniture in a cool, dry place as heat and humidity can cause it to eventually reek and attract house mice and other pests.